JOIN our staff or board</p> — The Old Print Works

Visionary person needed to lead the Board of Trustees at The Old Print Works, Balsall Heath, Birmingham

We are looking for a dynamic, creative and experienced individual to take on the important role of chairing our charity, Make It Sustainable Ltd, during a period of intense change.

We are in a critical moment of our development and have both big challenges and ambitious plans for future growth and improvement. Our new Chair will contribute to this development with their knowledge and experience, and the following qualities:

  • an understanding of governance and good practice in the non-profit sector

  • a strong commitment to promoting diversity

  • a strong commitment to our mission

  • experience and expertise in a relevant field

  • an affinity with our commitment to the hyperlocal community

We strive for balanced and diverse governance and welcome applications from disabled, LGBTQ+ and global majority candidates, or indeed any other underrepresented group. If you are as passionate about Making and The Arts as we are, and have relevant skills and experience, we would encourage you to apply and would love to hear from you.

Prospective candidates may arrange to visit The Old Print Works and meet with the CEO and/or a Board member.

The new Chair will lead the Board of Trustees in upholding exemplary governance for the organisation's long-term sustainability. Additionally, the Chair will collaborate with the rest of the Board and the executive team to develop and execute a strategic plan that aligns with our charitable objectives.

In compliance with charity law, the role of Chair is not accompanied by any financial remuneration, although reasonable expenses may be claimed. 


Initial term of 4 years

Time commitment

  • Minimum of 4 Board meetings per year  

  • Up to 4 Working Group meetings per year   

  • At least 1 Board away day and/or training event each year  

  • Attendance at events as applicable

  • Background reading and preparation as required   

  • Regular individual meetings with the CEO

Meetings usually take place at The Old Print Works, B12 9AH. Sometimes virtual/hybrid meetings are possible/necessary. 

Closing date for applications is to be confirmed.

Please send us your CV and a cover letter on no more than 2 sides of A4 outlining your interest in this role, why you would like to take on a charitable trustee leadership role at this time and how you fit with our charity’s current stage and need. In your email please also confirm you have completed the confidential equal opportunities and diversity monitoring form here. Please send your application to with the subject heading Chair of Trustees Application. If you would like to arrange a visit to The Old Print Works or a conversation, or have any other queries in advance of your application, please contact the Interim CEO:

Boards of Trustees and Advisors

We would welcome people who could assist in a voluntary advisory capacity to support our Trustees. We are committed to diversifying our leadership and ensuring our building is an inclusive creative haven for everyone, especially those in our most local community. We are seeking funds to make bold changes and want our team to reflect the diverse community on our doorstep. We have recently recruited new Board members and now have an 9-strong diverse Board, but are always happy to hear from people who believe their expertise or experience would help us navigate this journey well.

The Old Print Works is a diverse and welcoming community that believes in the transformative power of making and creativity. Through mutual skill sharing we are building a resilient, sustainable and cooperative future.

We provide studio, meeting, exhibition, event and co-working space. We promote creative and cultural activity, and are founder members of Balsall Heath Second Saturday, a monthly mini-festival.

Make It Sustainable Ltd (MIS) manages The Old Print Works (OPW), founded to enhance making skills and creativity, and in so doing reinforce wellbeing, community, low-carbon, education, employment, arts and heritage.  Our primary purpose is to promote making and design skills particularly amongst the young, through providing versatile spaces in which to work, make, connect and learn.  A better understanding of making and repairing skills and the power of creativity will help both the environment and our economic and social wellbeing.

MIS is a charity and a company limited by guarantee and has vacancies on its Board of Trustee Directors. Our charity is stable and growing but still is in a relatively tight financial position. We are investing where possible in the building, people, and the area of Balsall Heath.

As with all charities there are sometimes quite specialist areas that need to be understood and discussed. MIS is interested in hearing from you if you have expertise that could help. It would be advantageous if you already know about or have engaged in some way with The Old Print Works. It is vital that you are able to bring your expertise in a way that is relevant to a tiny organisation with few resources. We would welcome interest from minority or minoritised communities, anyone with a disability and especially people from a South Asian background or living locally.

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