HIRE POLICY — The Old Print Works

Make It Sustainable  Hire Policy

This policy is being put in place to tighten up procedures around venue hire, particularly for those that involve the sale of alcohol and/or the use of amplified music, where a Temporary Event Notice is required[1].

Where a TEN is required the following procedure should be followed

1)      A hire agreement is made with MIS and deposit is paid confirming this before any TEN is applied for.

2)      A TEN is applied for at least 15 working days in advance of the event.

3)      info@oldprintworks.org is copied into the notice submission

4)      Confirmation of the notice is shared with MIS.

5)      If confirmation (or deemed confirmation) of the TEN is not in place 10 working days before the event MIS will cancel the hire.

6)      The TEN is displayed on the night as per regulations.

Where large music events are proposed.

Until the electrical power system is improved, (which is programmed in for summer 2017), MIS will only let out the main lower gallery to music events where

1)      The promoters have had previous experience of setting up in the space/ managing an event in OPW – or are able to partner with such people. In due course MIS will identify someone to undertake this role. These will include such promoters as Bongo Go, Muzikstan and Young Culture (on a trial basis)

2)      If the promoters are not known to MIS, evidence of running successful similar events elsewhere will be needed – with them able to pull on the range of expertise – such as security, bar staff, first aid trained persons. An electrician recommended by MIS will need to be on standby in case of problems with the supply.

3)      A full risk assessment is provided (at the same time as the TEN) and MIS will need to be assured that the promoters have adequate event insurance.

4)      It is unlikely that the space will be let out for 18th/21st birthday parties, or where a previous hire has resulted in insufficient care being taken over an event.

Approval for hire will be agreed by the Operational Team unless the above conditions are not fulfilled.  In exceptional circumstances, where the above is not fulfilled, if the Operational Team feels the proposal merits acceptance, another board member will be asked to verify that decision before a final agreement is issued.

These policies will apply to external promoters as well as Unit Partners.


February 2017


[1] Guidance on TENs can be found at www.gov.uk/temporary-events-notice/birmingham. MIS has prepared a summary of this guidance – which can be shared.